When two people have spent their time building a beautiful friendship, a strong foundation and a love for each other that knows no bounds, you make them get in front of your camera.
At least, that’s what I did.
Kyle and Matt have known each other for years. And one day, when London and Orange County aren’t so far away, their story may be different. But one thing that is certain, no matter where they live or what lies ahead of each of them as individuals or together, is that these two have one of the most genuine connections.
It is truly undeniable, their friendship is gorgeous and they are two of the greatest people I have ever had the pleasure of calling friends.
So, when we were all in Fiji together (Yeah, you read that right.. I got to vacation with these two in FIJI! WHAT?!), we made a little time on our last evening to do a brief sweetheart sessions of these two on the beach.
Oh Fiji, I already can’t wait to come back one day.